How can I find out more?

These articles are a good introduction to Mantle of the Expert

Viv Aitken – Mantle of the Expert – A Brief Introduction. This is a chapter from ‘Connecting Curriculum, Linking Learning’  

Dorothy Heathcote – Contexts for Active Learning, Four Models. In this seminal article Professor Heathcote introduces her four models for forging links between schooling and society: Drama used to explore people; Mantle of the Expert; Rolling Role; and the Commission Model

Jenny Lewis – Mantle of the Expert – The Sea Company. This article was first published in the NUT magazine and outlines Jenny’s moe work with her year 2 class.

Luke Abbott – Mantle of the Expert as a route to irresistible learning and transformative teaching.

Tim Taylor – The Paradox of Mantle of the Expert: “How can children be experts?”

Tim Taylor – Using Mantle of the Expert – The Tudor House

Brian Edmiston – Authoring Complexity with Dialogic Dramatic Inquiry. In this important article, Professor Edmiston theorizes dramatic inquiry as a new pedagogy.

Michael Bunting – Questions, Questions, Questions. Drawing extensively on the work of Dorothy Heathcote and Luke Abbott, Michael has drawn together a categorized list of many of the most important questions used in dramatic-inquiry.

Reading List

Timescale Author Title Media Form Level
1st Term T. Taylor Introductory chapter to A Beginner’s Guide to Mantle of the Expert Extract Required reading Introduction
L. Abbott Mantle of the Expert’ as a Route to Irresistible Learning and Transformative Teaching.Forum Vol 59 No 3, 2017 pp 423-431 Article Required reading Introduction
T. Taylor A Beginner’s Guide to Mantle of the Expert Book Required reading Foundation
D. Heathcote The Authentic Teacher and the Future Article Required reading Foundation
C. O’Neill Foreword to Drama for Learning Extract Required reading Foundation
C. Lawrence Teacher and Role – A drama teaching partnership Article Required reading Core
Morgan & Saxton Asking Better Questions Book Required reading Core
L. Abbott The Dramatic Imagination Article Required reading Core
G. Bolton Situation Vs Story Extract Required reading Core
B. Edmiston What’s My Position? Article Required reading Core
V. Aitken Dorothy Heathcote’s Mantle of the Expert Approach Extract Required reading Core
T. Taylor Some background on Mantle of the Expert Blog Suggested reading Foundation
T. Taylor A Brief Introduction to Mantle of the Expert Blog Suggested reading Foundation
T. Taylor Drama for Learning and Mantle of the Expert Blog Suggested reading Foundation
H. Roberts Oops! Helping children learn accidentally Book Suggested reading Wider view
2nd Term D. Heathcote Active Learning – Four Models Article Required reading Core
T. Taylor Using dramatic imagination to develop writing Blog Required reading Core
T. Taylor The Problem with Praise Blog Required reading Core
J. Fines Imagination in History Teaching Article Required reading Core
Morgan & Saxton Teaching Drama: A Mind of Many Wonders Book Suggested reading Core
Fines & Verrier The Drama of History Book Suggested reading Advanced
A. Kohn Punished by Rewards Book Suggested reading Wider view
D. Willingham Why Don’t Students Like School Book Suggested reading Wider view
T. Taylor Preparing the Ground for Planting Knowledge Blog Suggested reading Core
T. Taylor The Three Modes of Teaching Blog Suggested reading Core
L. Abbott The Dramas of History Article Suggested reading Core
L. Abbott Learning Lessons from Children Article Suggested reading Core
Abbott & Edmiston Contexts Between Play, Drama, and Learning Article Suggested reading Core
Abbott & Edmiston Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Classroom Article Suggested reading Core
G. Bolton Dorothy Heathcote’s Story: Biography Book Suggested reading Core
3rd Term C. O’Neill Dorothy Heathcote on Education and Drama Book Suggested reading Advanced
Bolton & Heathcote Drama for Learning Book Suggested reading Advanced
K. Egan Teaching as Story Telling Book Suggested reading Wider view
K. Egan The cognitive tools of children’s imagination Article Suggested reading Wider view
J. Harste What Education as Inquiry is and isn’t Article Suggested reading Wider view
D. Kidd Assessment as an Act of Love Article Suggested reading Wider view
A. Kohn Unconditional Teaching Article Suggested reading Wider view
T. Taylor Why telling the truth is better for learning Blog Suggested reading Core
T. Taylor The Divisions of Culture Blog Suggested reading Advanced
T. Taylor Make-believe is not the same as lying Blog Suggested reading Core
T. Taylor Creating bridges into the past Blog Suggested reading Advanced
T. Taylor Making learning urgent and important Blog Suggested reading Advanced
T. Taylor Teaching Using The Circle of Progression Blog Suggested reading Advanced
B. Wagner Dorothy Heathcote: Drama as a Learning Medium Book Suggested reading Advanced
O’Neill & Lambert Drama Structures – A Practical Handbook for Teachers Book Suggested reading Wider view
Bowell & Heap Planning Process Drama: Enriching teaching and learning Book Suggested reading Wider view
G. Bolton Gavin Bolton: The Essential Writings Book Suggested reading Wider view
L. Abbott Four Projections of Role Thesis Suggested reading Advanced
T. Kowsan The Sign in the Theatre Article Suggested reading Advanced
L. Abbott Drama is Life Article Required reading Advanced