Links to blogs on marking

27th November 2013

About six weeks ago I started work on a blog for the October Blogsync “Marking with Impact”, I thought it would be a quick piece, maybe a few hours work. My focus was on marking for Early Years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. However, once I got started I soon realised what a complex web of different strategies, purposes, and outcomes the subject is. As a consequence my blog (or blogs) are going to be a horribly late entry.

Nevertheless, one advantage in being late is the opportunity it gives to read all the other blogs that have been published recently on the subject. They make up a fascinating and extremely useful list. Please let me know if I’ve missed any out.

Tom Sherrington – Making Feedback Count: “Close the Gap”

Tom Sherrington – Marking in Perspective: Selective, Formative, Effective, Reflective

MrStacey – Making Marking More Manageable

SaysSimon – Marking bookmarks – Ways to boost marking within school

HuntingEnglish – Improving Written Feedback

Hannah Tyreman – Fabulous Feedback

Mr William’s Maths – The Marking Monster returns…

– This is the #Blogsync8 list:

@Cherryl-kd: To Mark or Not to Mark

Sue Cowley: “The Editors” – there are many kinds of edit.

Chris Chivers: Marking: Continuing the Dialogue

Sarah Findlater: Marking for the Masses and Feedback for the Future

Shaun Allison: Marking: Minimum Effort for Maximum Pleasure

James Gurung: Using end-of-term tests to move learning forward

@just_maths: Maths Plasters

Tom Sherrington: Formative use of Summative Tests

Andy Lewis: Collaborative Marking with Impact

Paul Raymond Collins: A festival of acronyms: WWW, EBI and INT

David Didau: Marking is an act of love

Mary Myatt: Should I be marking every piece of work?

Chris Curtis: This Marking is Killing Me

Michael Tidd: Effective marking: a primary slant

Stretch potential: Marking: Encouraging and evidencing dialogue

Tom Riley: Improving feedback in a 1:1 environment

Alex Quigley: Make your ‘marking policy’ a ‘feedback policy’, and Dirty Work

@redorgreenpen: Does DIRT work in maths?

Joe Kirby: What if you marked every book, every lesson?

Joe Kirby: Marking is a hornet

Helen Lochead: Manageable and meaningful marking

Chris Waugh: Give the feedback before the race is run

David Fawcett: Understanding why feedback doesn’t stick and Using methods to make feedback stick

– This is #EngChatUK 1 list:

The Joy of Marking

Feedback:it’s better to receive than to give.

Making feedback stick.

Work scrutiny – what’s the point of marking books?

Five Ways to Reduce Marking Stress

What did I learn today?

More effective written feedback

Written feedback using Mail Merge

Public Critique

Critique – it’s a culture thing.

One Essay, 9 comments.

Much Ado about Marking and Progress.

A quick feedback strategy:

10 a day – making marking effective and achievable.

And everything to do with Marginal Gains is intimately linked to feedback.


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